Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Hey Guys! So I recently decided that if I wanted to bump up my business, I needed more than just a Facebook page! So come with me on this journey of "Steps to Creating a Website!"

Step 1: Start with a Positive Attitude!

Step 2: Think about what you want out of your new website!

Step 3: Gather the necessary tools!

Step 4: Start your project!

Step 5: Don't Stress........

Step 6: Get support!


Step 7: Didn't help?......

Step 8: Relax, and enjoy a bottle...er...a glass of wine!

Step 9: Finish your creation.... and realize you created something amazing! 

Step 10: Ah... calm serene....  Sit back and enjoy your growing business!

Don't forget that this is Your business! It will be what you make of it! So relax, take your time and enjoy yourself!

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed your updated blog post! The comical pictures make your blog a lot more fun to read. I also think you have listed some solid steps on how to create a website. Thank you!
